Little Ole' Me

Have you ever felt the urge to go on a mission trip but wondered . . . "Why Me?? Lord, I'm not a preacher or a teacher, I can't sing and really don't have any special talent. . .how could You use someone like little ole' me?"
I have had these same thoughts myself, but a conversation with my nephew changed my point of view. Easton, my 8 year old nephew and founder of flipflopsforHisfeet has wanted to go on a mission trip to Guatemala since he was 5. I asked him one day, "Easton, why do you want to go on a mission trip?" His answer floored me. . .
"I want to go on a mission trip because I want to help others. I feel so bad when I see the pictures from Guatemala because we have so so much and they have so little. I want to help them so bad. I want to give my allowance, whatever I can to buy flip flops, to help build houses, to buy the tools and supplies to build houses. I want to give whatever I can to help people learn about Jesus so that they can get saved. The Bible says to go everywhere and tell everyone the Good News. That's what I wanna do. That's why I want to go on a mission trip."
Here I was, questioning how God could use me, when a child – a child whole-heartedly believed that God could use him to impact others. My nephew didn't ask "Why Me?" He simply knew there was a need and that if he gave God what little bit he had, God could do big things. One of my nephew's favorite sayings is "If Jesus could take one little boy's lunch and feed thousands, what can He do with one little boy's flip flops?" So I ask you this. . .If Jesus could take one little boy's lunch and feed thousands, if He could take one little boy's passion to help others and build a ministry that has sent thousands of pairs of flip flops to impoverished villages around the world – Are you still asking how God can use little ole me??
God has used a lot of "Little Ole' Me's" in history to make a huge impact in the lives of others. . . .He can use you too, if you will let Him.
The Walk A Mile Project takes mission trips both locally and internationally throughout the year. If you have the desire to go on a mission trip or would like more information, please email or call (864)617-2239.