flipflopsforHisfeet began in 2012 when 5 year old Easton (son of WAM co-founders, Brandon & Emilee) saw a photo from his Papa's (Rev. Eddie Burdette) recent mission trip of a Guatemalan child wearing no shoes. After asking if he could send his favorite pair of shoes - his flip flops, he began to ask family and friends to help send flip flops as well. Since 2012, Easton has collected over 5,000 pairs of flip flops that have been sent to Guatemala, Peru, and Liberia. In 2016, flipflopsforHisfeet became a ministry of The Walk A Mile Project.
Easton's goal for 2018 is to reach 7,500 pair and he is working with organizations to get flip flops and shoes to Haiti and Ukraine. Would you consider helping him reach his goal? You can find flip flops at your local dollar store for as little as $1. Only $1 can make a BIG impact!
To donate flip flops, we accept any new or gently used flips flops - any size! To make a flip flop donation, contact thewamproject@outlook.com
To make a monetary donation,

flipflop news

During the month of March 2016, Easton raised over $400 for flip flops during the A Dollar A Day Challenge. A huge THANK YOU goes out to ALL the supporters! The flip flops will be taken with The Walk A Mile Mission Team to Panajachel, Guatemala to be given out to those in need.
A huge THANK YOU to all who came out to Easton's Lemonade Stand at The 1st Annual WAM Project Car & Truck Show and Family Fun Day! Easton raised enough funds to purchase over 1,000 pairs of Gospel Booklets in Spanish to go with the flip flops that will be sent to Guatemala this June! That's over 1,000 people who get to learn about Jesus because of your giving! Thanks again!!

Easton's Lemonade Stand

Thank you, Rainbow!
At the end of April 2016, Easton received a donation of 250 pairs of Rainbow Sandals from their Repair Reuse Recycle program. Rainbow Sandals Repair Reuse Recycle takes returned sandals, repairs them, and then donates them to those in need. This year, Easton's goal is to reach 5,000 pairs of flip flops. With this donation from Rainbow, he has now reached 4,000! As parents, we are so blessed to see our child want to help otheers and change this world we live in. And it means so very much to us to have a company like Rainbow Sandals to support his dream and to help him reach his goals. To learn more about Rainbow Sandals and their Repair Reuse Recycle program, visit www.rainbowsandals.com

Catalina's Rainbows
Meet Catalina, a Guatemalan street vendor's daughter, who received a pair of Rainbow Sandals from Easton's dad in June! What a smile, what a blessing!

Socks and Soup for Seniors
Each year on Thanksgiving, Easton and his family deliver meals to senior citizens in their community. Easton's MeMe (Mom's Mom) began this tradition with his mom, Emilee, when she was little girl and the family continues to do so each year. This past year, Easton was really burdened for the senior citizens in his community and decided that he wants to help them out! So this Thanksgiving season, he will be collecting Socks and Soup for Seniors. His goal is to help "keep them warm and give them something warm to eat." And he needs YOUR HELP! For the month of November, flipflopsforHisfeet is requesting donations of socks and soup. Any size, any brand. So that when Easton and his family deliver meals this year, he can give each Senior he visits a sock & soup bundle. To schedule a donation pickup or for more information, please text 864-221-9963 or email Easton at thewamproject@outlook.com