Walk A Mile Missionaries
Rev. Eddie & Mitzi Burdette
Eddie & Mitzi met in high school, married in 1979, have been blessed with 3 children and 8 grandchildren, and currently reside in Pendleton, SC. Eddie and Mitzi were both saved in February of 1982 and shortly after, were called in to the ministry. Pastor Eddie graduated from Christ Unlimited Bible Institute in 1986. Eddie and Mitzi have served in churches across South Carolina and Georgia. Eddie has been to 7 different countries and has been on over 100 international mission trips since 1992, many of which Mitzi joined him. They have a heart to see youth and children come to know Christ- not only locally but all over the world. In 2016, Eddie & Mitzi, along with their children, founded The Walk A Mile Project.
To financially support Eddie & Mitzi's ministry, please